“Somewhere, somehow Flash Player trace logging stopped appearing in the flashlog.txt file.”
I’m sure many of you have had that thought run through your mind. I know I’ve been fighting it for a long time now. I do component development for SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius and for their newly released SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0 sp4. When I work on my Xcelsius connectors I flip back over to Flash Player 9 as somewhere during the Flash Player 10.x trace logging just stopped. Also I’m on Windows 7, and since Windows Vista the only way to install the connectors in is to run Xcelsius as an administrator. So somewhere along the way the latest Flash Players have stopped logging to the flashlog.txt file, which for those who do component development for Xcelsius and Dashboards 4.0 know that will really slow down your debug time. But how can I get this working again? The answer wasn’t nearly as straightforward as I hoped.